ATMOS Research & Consulting
Our climate is changing. Are you ready?

Free Information and Resources
Because climate science relies on publicly-funded models and datasets, nearly all of the information we work with is available free of charge. We've put together a list of our favourite resources here.
The latest climate trends from NOAA's
Observed temperature and precipitation trends in the United States from NOAA's Climate at a Glance
Long-term daily weather station data from the National Climatic Data Center
Global climate model simulations from the Earth System Grid (registration required and these files are very big)
Maps of high-resolution downscaled climate projections from Climate Wizard
Super-high-resolution monthly downscaled gridded temperature and precipitation from the NASA NEX dataset (registration required and these files are also very big)
High-resolution daily downscaled station and gridded temperature and precipitation using the ARRM and STAR statistical downscaling methods (currently available upon request but soon to be hosted by ESRI in late 2020)
Value-Added Services
So why do we even exist? That's because a lot of the data doesn't quite give you what you need -- yet. We can synthesise it so it does.
Our projects address a wide range of topics, including regional climate change assessments, greenhouse gas emissions, controls and abatement strategies, and multi-scale analysis of interactions between the global environment and local to regional-scale climate, water resources, air quality, and health.
Products include:
- Reviews of the latest scientific literature on a specific topic
- Charts, graphics and maps of past, present and future emissions or climate characteristics of a region
- Calculations of projected future changes in relevant climate indicators, such as temperature thresholds for agricultural crops, or the occurrence of heavy rainfall events for municipal sewer system planning
- Evaluation of future greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions and control strategies, and their impacts on climate change
- Data formatted to the client’s requirements, to be used as input to a specific impacts model or commercially-available visualization packages such as ArcGIS