ATMOS Research & Consulting

Why consulting?
There's a lot of data out there. Nearly all of it is freely available - and if you don't know where to find it, we're happy to point you in the right direction, free of charge.
But often the data can be overwhelming, confusing, and irrelevant. How do we know what's going to happen in the places were we live? What changes do we expect in things we care about - when people will turn on their air conditioning, extreme rain events when underpasses will flood, or high heat days that put the elderly and infirm at risk?
That's where we come in.

Sample past projects
Delaware Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment
City of Cambridge Climate Vulnerability Assessment
Northeast Climate Impacts Assessment

Recommended Resources
The National Climate Assessment documents observed trends and future projections, and how these will affect each region and sector of the United States.
The Infrastructure and Climate Network hosts a library of webinars on climate and transportation infrastructure.
Skeptical Science provides scientific, detailed answers to common questions about climate science and YouTube series Global Weirding has more.